Thesis Film: Mark (Short)
"Mark" is a Mystery Thriller short film. Mark is a dectective who works for a drug squad in Chicago. Detective Mark chases a serial killer who killed drug dealers that Mark has to arrest. Mark keeps chasing the killer, but Mark ends up facing horrible truth.
I wrote the script, produced, directed, and edited the whole film.

Mocked EPK for press, and Story Structure. Feedback from these items allowed me to build up the story in more detail and more emotionally than before.
Screen Writing
I pitched three stories in class and got comments that this story could be a perfect fit for a short film, so I started to write outlines and rough drafts. After I wrote the whole story, I got feedback from the class and revised the script. Thanks to the feedback, I was able to make a deeper, more complete story.
Three Outlines > Five Drafts > Three Locked Script

As a producer, I had to make a budget, plan for shooting, and scout locations, actors, and crews for each day. I also had to plan the most efficient and reasonable shooting schedule for saving money and time. Having these responsibilities while also directing my film was difficult, but I lerned a lot from that experience.

As a director, the most important thing for me was finishing this movie as safely as we could while filming all pictures that we wanted in a limited time. This required a good strategy and good communication with other crews, because I had to figure out what I wanted for each scene. Script breakdown, storyboard, breakdown shots, and shot designing were tools I used to plan the details for each shot.

I used Premiere Pro for rough cuts, Davinci Resolve for color-grading, Davinci Fairlight for sound mixing, and After Effects for the logo and graphics.


Premiere Pro Cuts
Color Graded

Ending Credits

Davinch Fairlight Cuts

Opening Logo

QC (Quality Control) to deliver picture and
VFX breakdown sheets for the editing phase

I designed the movie poster for the premiere session of this film using Photoshop, Illustrator, and Canva. I also created a social media account and ran it to promote the film.